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Jessica Allen
Special Education Teacher - Adapted Curriculum
Madison Allen
Physical Education Teacher
Keli Andrews
Stephanie Anstey
6th Social Studies Teacher
Graceon Armstrong
Business Teacher
Jessica Ashby
School Counselor
Jackie Baker
Hayden Bartley
Physical Education Teacher
Nancy Bassett
Instructional Assistant
Ashley Beahm
Family and Consumer ScienceTeacher
Megan Beam
8th Special Education Teacher - General Curriculum
Cindy Becchi
6th Science Teacher
Amy Benns
Challenge Teacher
Kristina Biller
Technical Education Teacher
Ethan Billmayer
6th Math Teacher
Gretchen Blincoe
7th Math Teacher
Greta Bucher
7th English Teacher
Tina Campbell
Food Service Worker
Teresa Childs
8th Civics Teacher
Rebecca Cockburn
8th Math Teacher